Here at Investment Studios, we have one goal - to maximize your profits from the markets. We are currently focused on the NYSE and NASDAQ and trade stocks and sometimes options.
We focus on swing trading and position trading, which we consider trades lasting from a few days to a few weeks. Why? Because we don't want to sit in front of a computer screen for hours every day waiting for short-term set-ups.
Our goal is to complete our daily research and trade set-up activity in 30-60 minutes, plus some light trade monitoring during the day as needed.
How do we accomplish this?
We have a proprietary screening platform that scores each individual stock according to a host of indicators. These are indicators we have tested and that have proven to be useful in our timeframe and for our trading strategies.
We periodically recalibrate our indicators, weighing each indicator individually according to its historical performance and predictive value, in order to keep improving our systems.
We also monitor several different trading systems which can independently give us entry or exit signals.
While we do follow the AMEX, signals from this exchange are rare for us.
We focus on both long and short trades. We use options for all of our short trades and many of our long trades. For our timeframe, we find options to be very powerful in limiting risk and adding leverage to our trades.
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Thanks for visiting and good trading!